MPA CLE - Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technology
Ethics Section Chair, Caitlyn Tobey
Date and Time: Tuesday, September 25th, 7pm-8pm
Subject Matter: Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technology
Speaker: Caitlyn Tobey, CCEP-I, CHC, CIPP/US, CIPM – An experienced paralegal/compliance professional who has worked in healthcare and finance.
Learn from a fellow paralegal about the future of smart contracts and blockchain technology.
We will discuss:
What is a Cryptocurrency?
What is a Blockchain?
How do Smart Contracts work?
How does Ethereum (an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system) leverage Smart Contracts?
How does our current Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) handle Smart Contracts?
Why should paralegals care?
What you can do to get ready for these changes as a legal professional?
Location/venue: webinar. A direct link and instructions will be sent to registered participants 24 hours prior to the meeting. Zoom webinars can be accessed via desktop, laptop, and mobile devices.
Limit to number of participants: 30
Cost to Members and/or non-members: $5.00 non-member/ Free for members