Title Insurance & National Affairs and Paralegal Sections Webinar on March 20th
Good Catch: Hooking the Elusive Title Flaw Before It Becomes a Mayday Call
Please join REBA’s Title Insurance & National Affairs and Paralegal Sections for a joint webinar at 12 noon on Wednesday, March 20th. Attorney Jordana Roubicek Greenman, Boston Magazine Top Lawyers of 2023, and Denald E. Doonan, Managing Title Examiner and owner of The Title Research Group, LLC and President of the Massachusetts Independent Title Examiners Association, will present.
Our panelists will engage in a practical skills discussion addressing subtle and sometimes puzzling red flag issues when researching, reporting, and reviewing the official records of the registry of deeds. The presenters will examine a variety of frequently misunderstood abstracting procedures and overlooked documents that could sink a closing, while offering proactive advice
This webcast program, open to all REBA members, is from 12 to 1 pm on Wednesday, March 20, 2024.
To register, RSVP to Matt Zarrella at zarrella@reba.net.
Video recordings of most of REBA's webinar presentations are available on demand in the Video Section of reba.net.
For a list of all upcoming and past webinars, click here.
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