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REBA - Reviewing of Statutes of Limitations

  • Thursday, April 25, 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar

REBA Paralegal Section Webinar on April 25th

Reviewing of Statutes of Limitations

Please join REBA’s Paralegal Section for a webinar at 12 noon on Thursday, April 25th. Sarah A. Catapano-Friedman of Crowley and Cummings, LLC, and Natalie E. Robb, Vice President and Counsel at FNF Family of Companies, will present.

Please join our speakers as they discuss both common and lesser-known statutes of limitations affecting title to real estate in Massachusetts. They will review time to cure, appeal periods and the enforcement of interests and defects that impact real property in Massachusetts.

This webcast program, open to all REBA members, is from 12 to 1 pm on Thursday, April 25, 2024.

To register, RSVP to Matt Zarrella at


Video recordings of most of REBA's webinar presentations are available on demand in the Video Section of

For a list of all upcoming and past webinars, click here.

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